| 1. | She gets knocked about by her husband . 她常受丈夫虐待。
| 2. | The car 's been knocked about a bit , but it still goes . 汽车虽然受到多次碰撞,但仍能开。
| 3. | He had been knocking about the world, and living in queer corners . 他在世界上四处漫游,也可说是到过海隅地角。
| 4. | Joe knocked about for a year seeing the country before he went to work in father's business . 乔在进他父亲的企业里工作之前到全国各地转了一年。
| 5. | Again, however, cheerfulness breaks in, as the narrator (with his grotesque crony dr. long ghost) knocks about the islands as a beachcomber . 轻松愉快的场面又插进来。叙述故事的人,在他的奇形怪状的老友长鬼博士的陪伴下,在岛上到处漂流。
| 6. | Are julie and dave still knocking about together 朱莉和戴夫两个还在一起厮混吗?
| 7. | The woman was cruelly knocked about by her husband 那女人受到她丈夫的毒打。
| 8. | Those tramp steamers knock about southeast asia 那些不定期货船在东南亚一带往来行驶。
| 9. | They have been knocking about europe all summer 他们整个夏天在欧洲旅行。
| 10. | The car ' s been knocked about a bit , but it still goes 汽车虽然受到多次碰撞,但仍能开